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peggy lee中文是什么意思

用"peggy lee"造句"peggy lee"怎么读"peggy lee" in a sentence


  • 佩姬李


  • The elevator stopped at the floor where peggy lee had to get off
  • She was peggy lee as she moved on stage to the applause of her audience ,
  • Are you like peggy lee
  • Be an optimist . . . yes , peggy lee was an optimist and you can be an optimist too , when
  • Yesterday , i was very honored to be invited to a memorial service for a celebrity singer , peggy lee
  • " when peggy lee took the curlers out of her hair , put on her makeup and dressed in her beautiful gown then
  • It was one of the most delightful and inspiring hours - no speeches , only the sharing of those nearest to her about personal experiences with peggy lee
  • As peggy lee started to move from the corner of the elevator to the door , the women suddenly recognized something about her and she said , " excuse me , are you peggy lee ?
  • 1966 - lady olave baden - powell present a 1st class badge and the ranger service star to miss peggy lee . miss lee continued her guiding career as a instructor , trainer and a commissioner
    深资海女童军晏臣号sea ranger ship anson领袖缪李金碧( peggy miu )与贝登堡夫人会面。
  • The one i liked the most was when peggy lee was performing in a concert arena connected to a major hotel in new york . right next to the stage was her dressing room , and her dressing room led to a hallway , then to an elevator which would take her up to her master suite in the hotel
用"peggy lee"造句  
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